Digital Marketing Strategy

navigating businesses through digital space

identifying your target audience

Knowing who you’re marketing to is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. If you do not already have a detailed buyer persona, this is the first step I take.

Once your target audience is identified, you’ll be able to understand how to market your products and services to them to drive sales.

Evaluating your existing digital channels

The next step in creating an effecting digital strategy is reviewing your existing digital assets. This includes auditing your website, social media accounts and any paid channels you may be using like Google Ads. This allows to understand which digital channels are already performing well, are there any gaps that need focusing on, and how it stacks up against your key competitors.  

selecting the right channels

Once we have identified your target audience and audited your existing assets, we can determine which digital channels (organic (SEO), paid (PPC) or social media) are right for your business.

This way, you can streamline your efforts and budgets into those channels that have a high ROI.

building digital marketing campaigns

Now that we know your target audience and which channels to use we can start building digital marketing campaigns to achieve your business goals. These could include a specific channel like SEO, for example, and running a content marketing campaign to improve your organic visibility. Or a PPC campaign to get more immediate results. Or a campaign targeting your audience across different channels which will increase your brand exposure.

launch, manage & scale up

This is the exciting bit – launching and managing digital campaigns. Campaigns should be reviewed periodically to ensure we are getting the desired results. This could be done daily, weekly or monthly depending on selected channels and how quick the results are being achieved.